About me ?
Paulette Matkovic
Have you suffered a shock, an accident, an attack or a fall? Do you feel you’ve reached an impasse, are under constant stress, or have aches and pains for which there are no solutions or medical reasons?
Do you suffer from phobias or insomnia, or are you at the end of your tether? It’s possible that the balance of your nervous system has been disturbed, and verbal therapy may not be enough: the body’s memory must be taken into account.
The source of your discomfort may be linked to one or more shocking events in the past, sometimes forgotten, which have caused you trauma. These events may have been accidental or the result of environmental deficiencies. They may be recent or ancient. The good news is that it is possible to restore flexibility and balance to your nervous system. In this way, you will regain your vital momentum, more mobility and be able to be in touch with your self-healing resources (it is by leaving a permanent state of stress that the body can finally recover and heal)
About me:
After training as a Sociologist with an interest in non-verbal communication, and a stint in contemporary dance, my path towards a body-based therapeutic approach became obvious.
I’ve always been fascinated by the body and the way in which the events we experience are inscribed in its memory.
My experiences as a Yoga teacher and then as a Yogatherapist led me to specialise in a therapeutic body-centred approach to trauma and to deep stress. I’m a certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, and I’ve also taken a number of training courses (yogatherapy, yoga for people at risk of chronic illness, Buteyko method, yogatherapy for anxiety and developmental trauma (NARM – neuroaffective relational model – in progress).